AutoCAD - How to Install Custom Hatch Patterns

How to install custom hatch patterns in AutoCAD
Add support file search folder
If you place all your custom hatch in your custom folder, you can add a support file search path. Open AutoCAD options (type OP then enter).
In the files tab, below the support file search path, add your folder.
Click OK to accept these changes, then when you activate the hatch command, you should see it in your pattern list. If you can’t find it, you may need to change the pattern type to user-defined.

Copy your PAT file(s) into the default Support folder that AutoCAD uses to find hatch patterns. The default path is specified in the support File Search Path listed under the Files tab in Options. It is usually the first one shown. It is the one that goes to your user folder.
Windows Vista and newer:
C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x\enu\Support
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Rxx.x\enu\Support
Note: For AutoCAD 2009 and earlier, the default location is: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 20xx\Support

Hatch Pattern Definitions

Hatch patterns are defined of one and more definition files that have a format (.pat) file extension. You can use the hatch patterns as they modify them to create your own custom hatch patterns.
Regardless of where a definition is stored the hatch patterns have the same structure. They have a header line with a name that begins with an asterisk and is no more than 30 characters long and an optional description.

The hatch pattern definitions follow these rules :

- Each line in a pattern definition can write contain up to 80 characters. You can include letters, numbers, and the special characters underline (_), hyphen (-), and the dollar sign ($). You must begin to write a pattern definition with a letter or number but not a special character.
- Blank lines, texts to the right of a semicolon are ignored.
- All pattern line is considered to be the first member of a line family created by applying the delta offsets in both directions (X, Y) to generate an infinite family of parallel lines.
- The delta (X) values indicate the displacement between members of the family in the direction of the line. It is used only for dashed lines.
- The delta (Y) values indicate the spacing between members of the family that is, it is measured perpendicular to the lines.
- A line is considered to be of infinite length and a dash pattern is superimposed on the line.

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